At the time, he was found to have a slightly elevated reading of prostate specific antigen, or P.S.A., often a warning sign of prostate cancer.
The camp was searched for areas of contamination and in two places elevated readings of chemical pollution were discovered.
He added that elevated readings for cesium, a radionuclide associated with nuclear reactors, had also raised concern.
Fed officials "noted with some concern the elevated readings on inflation," according to the minutes, and some predicted that energy prices would remain high for the foreseeable future.
Four days following the announcement, the researchers discovered that the instrument used to measure neutrons was damaged by the heat of the liquid and gave false, elevated readings.
Mullins denied the milkshaking charge and said that the elevated reading could have come from feed, supplements or stomach medications.
In the Philadelphia region, business leaders assert that the area is not severely polluted, noting that the designation is based on few elevated readings of ozone.
Furthermore, the pitot tube used to measure airspeed in aircraft can give falsely elevated readings as the pressure builds up inside the tube at high speeds.
This runoff produced elevated readings of fecal coliform bacteria, which can cause skin irritations and intestinal disorders.
The Geiger counter was initially said to have given slightly elevated readings in the clearance, but that these were later found to indicate "normal" levels of background radiation.