They can be comic, but their comedy is suburban unless it is set against things more elemental.
So Armstrong did one absolutely basic, fundamental, elemental thing in the campaign.
She could not make up her mind which was the finer, more elemental thing, which gave its values to the other.
It's getting back to the elemental things of life, where a man's a man no matter how high his Social Security number.
He stood in the rain and thought of elemental things.
In the air it was an elemental thing, graceful even when it was trying to burn you to your boots.
"Trying to get back to simple, more elemental things is what Horizon is about," he added.
And he accepted at last what elemental thing had been between them since their memories began.
He was interested in the elemental things in life: money, influence, respect.
"It is one of the elemental things that make us human."