"It's a created element, inspired by water's naturalness," she explained, not a design meant to imply that the water is from a natural spring.
Externally, the castle has elements inspired by the work of the French architect Viollet-le-Duc, such as the pyramidal roof over the main entrance.
District 9, a 2009 film with elements inspired by events that occurred in District Six, Cape Town.
The eclectic design freely combines elements and details inspired by the Italian Renaissance, including its eleven bay loggia.
The play is an expressionistic piece that utilizes non-verbal and unrealistic elements, undoubtedly inspired by ballet.
The band undertook the Dance of Death World Tour in support of the album, which included many theatrical elements inspired by the record's songs.
The proposed film would combine elements of science fiction and road stories inspired by the band's sexual escapades.
The novel is considered by some to contain autobiographic elements, inspired by Grimmelshausen's experience in the war.
In his argumentation it can be noticed the presence of elements inspired by his liberal pluralist contemporaries.
O Monólogo do vaqueiro contains several elements clearly inspired by the Adoration of the Shepherds which takes place in accounts of Christ's birth.