These elements can only hold two electrons, both in the 1s orbital.
Instead, the city's crime syndicate leaders and underground elements hold proceedings in a warehouse.
What element within plastic would stop them cold and hold them once they were trapped within it?
The democratic process was set back in October 1991, when elements of the army held the interim legislature hostage for 24 hours.
Although a compulsory element of the curriculum in Scotland it has never held such a high priority at national level.
If this were not the case the element would not hold together as it traveled through the star.
For here it must be confessed that the undesirable element of superstition still held fast upon his mind, and now with some slight cause.
This is a record that withstands listen after listen, each element holding its own against the other.
Was that the element that had been holding her back in her own quest for promotion?
But he said other elements of the files did hold important secrets.