The plasma causes the analyte sample to decompose and certain elements generate an atomic emission spectra.
These elements generate the dihedral group of the square.
Some elements, like a $1.2 billion stadium over the West Side rail yards, have already generated resistance from local residents, business executives and politicians.
Any element of conjugacy class 3A generates Sylow 3-subgroup.
Any element from the conjugacy classes 7A, 7B generates the Sylow 7-subgroup.
Since these elements generate , we conclude that and hence .
But even more, to establish relationships between the materials, so that each element generated the next one as if the last was the consequence of the first.
Thus the stars and the elements may generate new spiritual, and, ultimately, new vegetable seed, by means of putrefaction.
This element of the plan, however, has generated opposition among residents and local elected officials in the lower valley.
Many numeric business simulations include elements of competition against other participants or against computer generated competitors.