The unique musical elements featured throughout (the) New Release proved unsuccessful in drawing critical approval.
These elements feature the effects of both headchoppers and footchoppers.
All elements of the campaign featured Pepsi's new global tag line, "Live for Now".
The game is based on a heavily modified Quake engine, and despite being a budget-title, features some elements that were unique at the time of release.
Characters in the series were said to be modelled on Australian television figures of the day, and many self-referential elements featured.
The cultural element often features events such as Basque music, traditional sports, food and drink, in particular Basque cider.
These elements had all featured in the work of Cedric Price, an architect who was Archigram's spiritual uncle.
These parts are typically the basis for the synthesized elements featured in the live setting.
The key elements which we believe must feature in a pact of this kind include first and foremost a European strategy for growth.