They are more interested in providing elegant, even demure furniture that interacts with everyday life.
He gestured about the lavish day cabin with its elegant furniture, framed portraits and curtained windows.
Sharpe's cot and chest were already gone, as was all the elegant furniture from Chase's quarters.
The spacious patio area with elegant wrought-iron furniture and candle-holder.
Mitch peered at the simple, elegant furniture, the art prints.
She waved a hand at the elegant furniture around them, "Besides, I think that people should love each other if they're going to marry."
It was the living room of an apartment, filled with elegant furniture that appeared to be of light construction.
More money buys frills like ceiling treatments, moldings, windows and elegant furniture.
The airy rooms have the feeling of a very well-appointed Victorian summer camp, with wood paneling and simple but elegant furniture.
It is decorated to represent the mid-1820's period, with elegant, refined furniture and objects.