This is not, after all, an elegant establishment.
Otherwise, I recommend two truly elegant establishments in quiet areas.
He opens the door of an elegant new establishment, Settepani, owned by an Eritrean woman who greets him warmly.
This elegant establishment is a world away (and twice as expensive) as the chowder houses back at the Annapolis dock.
The elegant establishment was not technically a brothel because, though a man could meet a girl there, they had to go elsewhere to conduct "business".
We found it a very large and elegant establishment, and were as well entertained as travellers need desire to be.
This elegant but casual establishment has been run by five generations of the same family since 1919.
Good gracious, Edith, do you know what an elegant establishment you are at the head of?
They would leave the motorway to reach it, but it was a small elegant establishment, said Lady Cres swell, and quiet, in its own grounds.
What is Hannelore doing in the elegant establishment of Mme.