He stopped his elegant dance and instantly turned to stare in her direction.
Their elegant dance includes a series of moves and steps that are complicated, but second nature by now.
Hellstrom's own progress past the harvesting became a kind of elegant dance through entering and emerging workers.
Chichekler (meaning flowers in Azeri) is a very elegant dance.
Ms. Bradley, elegant in her long, flowing line, dances in profile with expansive leg swings.
The gigantes, on the other hand, are the serious part of the show, and they entertain the people with their elegant dances in pairs.
Larger than life, figures turned in an almost formal, elegant dance around the slice and dart of flashing mystic blades.
This is a very elegant dance.
She followed through on the motion with her entire body, blond hair flying, long legs nearly crossed in a dance both elegant and bloody.
'Upon my word, you led us an elegant dance of it.'