I remembered an elegant and professional couple, almost too self-controlled with their silk suits and hand-tooled personal pagers.
In Winter's humorous rendering, an elegant couple looking very cross peer out their window at bones and feathers tumbling past.
They are the most enviably elegant couple in town.
In Paris I had made the acquaintance of an elegant, fashionable couple.
I took in the elegant French couple at the next table and the Japanese men behind them.
The elegant elderly couple at the next table seem equally happy with their quenelles.
As the elevator door closed, my final look at them showed their gracious smiles, the smiles of an elegant couple, tastefully appointed, mannerly.
A tall, elegant couple sailed around the floor like butterflies among the caterpillars.
An elegant Argentine couple was on the hunt for a good hairbrush.
They watched the mouse take refuge beneath a table, at which sat an elegant couple with silver hair.