Meg had been shocked and disbelieving, unwilling to accept that such an elegant aristocrat could be a thief and a murderer.
The clothing had all burned-with or without the much-discussed strip of purple-and most of the elegant aristocrat's skin had been charred black or scorched entirely away.
Sandy took her hand and bowed at the waist, morphing instantly into that elegant aristocrat who was never far beneath the surface.
Like an elegant but impoverished aristocrat married to a nouveau riche spouse, it has long been subsidized by mass-market fiction and by nonfiction ripped from the headlines.
With a lean face and black, wavy hair, Ramage looked like an elegant young aristocrat.
In contrast to the demurely elegant aristocrat on the original Earth, this alternate version of Dorma was a fierce warrior-woman.
They are like elegant aristocrats, these tulips, so individual and proud.
Prettily dressed peasants and children join elegant aristocrats in toasting Siegfried's birthday.
A climax had been reached with the assassination of the pope's prime minister, Rossi, an elegant aristocrat, on the steps of the Quirinal Palace.