They will be available initially through the Fry's electronics chain and from for about $60.
But it was not until the 1980's that Highland's growth, like that at many other electronics chains, began to accelerate.
But Circuit City Stores, the industry's largest electronics chain, has begun solving its problems.
Another national electronics chain, Best Buy, dropped its free support plan earlier this year.
Stevens Appliances, a small appliance and electronics chain, opened a 10,000-square-foot store in June.
G Map If you've lost your digital camera (or forgot to bring one), this electronics chain is a handy store to get a replacement.
It will be available at major electronics chains as well as online.
For now, Best Buy is the only major electronics chain that is thriving financially.
In the late 90's, when times were flush, you went out and bought a theater chain, an electronics chain.
Yes, the former electronics chain is associated with one of the largest stock frauds in history.