Carnegie, alas, has a feeble electronic substitute.
Many parents have turned to electronic substitutes, with in-car video systems providing distractions and serving as built-in backseat baby-sitters.
That mind-bending electronic substitute for thought, that deadly device for freezing, packaging and distributing opinion.
An electronic substitute was used until June 2008, when the organ was reinstalled in the Cathedral.
"What we are wrestling with here today are the implications of these emerging electronic third-wave substitutes for coinage."
An entire class of traders known as voice brokers, for example, risks getting wiped out by an electronic substitute.
An electronic or telecommunicated substitute for the paper based document is needed, and SeaDocs attempted to provide it.
This is not an electronic substitute - no such wide-ranging collection has ever been published before.
But since 1989, to save on the enormous cost of hiring enough musicians for an opera orchestra, the company has used a computer-realized electronic substitute.
At Riverside Church, where the organ has 11,160 pipes, there were no electronic substitutes.