Quinn was on the stuff too, he realized, watching her wince at a high electronic squeal from the comm equipment.
I saw the alarm in Tenning's eyes as the static climbed to an electronic squeal.
There was an electronic squeal, a rising, oscillating hum.
Piercing electronic squeals at excruciating volume may be blasted into his ears.
This was followed by a tiny, high-pitched electronic squeal, rapidly cut off.
As Vic descends the stairs, a high-pitched electronic squeal rises from below.
It was a risk but the most anyone was going to get was a brief electronic squeal.
Casey was thinking about taking down the license plate when her beeper went off, with an electronic squeal.
Troi started to sit up, then slumped back as the biobed's electronic squeals protested her movement.
Nothing came out of it but an unpleasant electronic squeal, like an echo of the fading police whistles.