We maintain a variety of physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your personal information.
- Are there electronic safeguards, such as error messages for out-of- range entries or inconsistent entries?
There were guards every hundred paces or so along the wall and I assumed that there were an equal or greater number of electronic safeguards as well.
There are electronic safeguards to guarantee that none of the effects penetrate beyond this room.
How had they managed to get past the electronic safeguards in the casino?
By repeatedly paralyzing online commerce, these vandals demonstrate that current electronic safeguards serve as little more than a cyber-Maginot line to be breached at will.
Moreover, electronic safeguards, if available at all, were of poor quality.
The partners point proudly to their use of electronic safeguards to prevent phony postings from inflating (or destroying) a company's reputation.
He also pointed out that the information was behind both physical and electronic safeguards, which means the attack may have been carried out by an employee.
A human wanting to commandeer a lifeboat would have had a hard time overcoming the electronic safeguards built into the system.