That person's message is then tape-recorded and an electronic note is made of the caller's name and phone number.
A 'tonewheel' is a relatively primitive apparatus for generating electronic musical notes.
The eerie music of electronic notes carried briefly through the cemetery, but these were different from telephone tones.
Do you see anybody else making electronic notes?
But it is essential to have a phone with two-way capabilities, meaning that it can receive an electronic note and send one.
He also focused on the realistic attack and decay of each individual electronic note.
Johnson began making electronic notes in a file on a pop-up window on his computer.
At first glance, changing an E-mail address looks like a problem that can be handled by several hundred electronic notes to friends and relatives.
There were no precedents for real-time electronic note taking, but Higgins felt confident that the records would protect the paper in any event.
Either way, the idea of using a stylus to write electronic notes is not a new one.