Behind where the picture had been hanging was a small black metal I door cut into the wall with an electronic keypad next to it.
He nodded to the wall behind me; I saw a dozen small safes, each with an electronic keypad.
The Genie can be connected to an electronic keypad mounted outside the garage.
She wondered how he had gotten past the street gate, then realized that its "security" consisted of an electronic keypad.
Even microwaves consume energy when they are not in use, mostly to power the electronic keypad.
Seated around tables of ten, individuals participated in small table discussions and voted on electronic keypads.
There was an electronic keypad on the wall.
To unlock the Level Three lab, workers must punch an access code into an electronic keypad.
Also, any appliance with an electronic keypad requires a little power to run a computer to read the keypad.
Kodiak asked, looking up from his electronic keypad.