While electronic gadgetry has its benefits, it also requires fresh batteries.
The Lake firm has the finest electronic gadgetry available, and I'm forced to use a pay phone.
Never discount the power of electronic gadgetry to capture a market - especially if there is someone at the other end of the line.
It also provides passengers the latest in electronic gadgetry.
Mr. Pitcher has himself and other fans of electronic gadgetry to blame.
Those were fine for table tennis but won't do for today's electronic gadgetry.
The biggest difference is that back then I was able to spend ten hours a week listening to him talk without recourse to electronic gadgetry.
The people are the first generation after the war who had extra money to spend, shown by the expensive electronic gadgetry they all possess.
To charge per mile will need fancy electronic gadgetry which is not yet available.
Aren't lock picks and electronic gadgetry more the sort of thing?