By comparison, the electromagnetic charge has only one kind of value.
it cranks out quite an electromagnetic charge.
When we were trying to defuse the C.M.E. the field's electromagnetic charge became too much for our shielding.
The planet's poles are determined by the electromagnetic charge.
This action would create a physical system where everything would be the same except the electromagnetic charge would be reversed.
The Dirac delta function can model an electromagnetic charge of a point in space.
Maybe the pigmentation has something to do with the wan light below the earth's crust, a result of electromagnetic charges in the atmosphere.
Gravity waves don't care about electromagnetic charge, so this phase transition is unimportant as far as they are concerned.
The electromagnetic charge, weak charge, and strong charge of such a particle must be the same as that of its antiparticle.
Kelvin later explains it releases an electromagnetic charge to prevent there being a large build-up of electromagnetic energy.