But as you pointed out, fly-boy, the Orb must react to any electromagnetic beam.
They range from the simple, such as sawdust starting lines, to the sophisticated, including electromagnetic beams and parallel tapes.
Hit by a blast of the evil device's electromagnetic beams, the Throttlebots were left in convlusions, opening them up to an attack by the Decepticons.
Characterizing an artificial collimated electromagnetic radiative beam.
The idea is to shoot a focused electromagnetic beam into the ionosphere.
Like all electromagnetic beams, lasers are subject to divergence, which is measured in milliradians (mrad) or degrees.
Those reflectors are for focusing electromagnetic beams.
Powerful electromagnetic beams can be accurately targeted and the signals received can be analyzed.
The bust began to glow as it was lit by an electromagnetic beam never before produced on earth.
It took a moment for the electromagnetic beams to pierce the Romulan vessel to its heart--but only a moment.