The benefits attributed to not using a computer for 24 hours range from electricity savings to getting back in touch with friends and nature.
But it figures electricity savings will pay that back in about three years.
The table below shows potential electricity savings from using occupancy sensors to control lighting in various types of spaces.
Because of the high cost of electricity in California and some other states, a digital power meter may pay for itself in electricity savings.
Projected electricity savings are around $1200+/year at current rates with a lifetime of 25 years+ (except for the inverter).
The electricity savings could equal the output of 40 power plants, and the value to consumers could amount to about $6,000 per household by 2020.
During the 35-year life of the program, the county estimates electricity savings at the park and net earnings of $19.2 million.
BEE will monitor the electricity savings in each project area.
The electricity savings from printers nationwide could come to $450 million a year, the agency estimated.
The report, released in October 2008, reported a nationwide electricity savings of 0.03% for the year of 2007.