It has two wind turbines which generate some of its electricity requirement.
The claims of a modern society relating to electricity requirement approach the full capacity of the generating stations.
These wind farms are expected to serve the electricity requirements of several million people for an average duration of 30 years.
For all the companies, the biggest factor is the estimate of future electricity requirements, executives say.
It contained several large generators and was constructed specifically to meet the massive electricity requirements of the yards.
On average the farm produces 80 per cent of the electricity requirements of Albany.
Sweden currently produces half its electricity requirements through nuclear power - more than any other country in the world.
In 1955 it was once more possible to meet electricity requirements entirely using own domestic resources.
The ship's electric drive supplied about 55% of Anchorage's electricity requirements from 1946 to 1955.
And if we move to more and more electric cars, the electricity requirements will only increase won't they?