Whole trees snapped and electrical pylons were completely flattened under the weight of the accumulated ice.
Cultural noise includes noise from planes, helicopters and electrical pylons and all of these can be detected by the receivers.
Substitutes already experimented with have slumped in the rain or sprung into static spikes when marchers passed beneath electrical pylons.
The Italian Court of Massa Carrara sentenced him to 12 years for assault and sabotage of electrical pylons.
But all past ones have been against government buildings, electrical pylons or other property and have killed no one.
Quebec's transmission system contains a variety of electrical pylons depending on era and voltage level.
This has led to the belief that Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie's electrical pylons are "indestructible".
Examples include the strengthening of electrical pylons and power poles, and increasing the power supply.
It is perceived to have been started by either an exploding electrical pylon or by arsonists.
Rebels also dynamited so many electrical pylons that electricity was rationed in one-fifth of the country.