If you can maintain that separated charge, you get energy just as in an electrical capacitor.
An Iraqi government statement issued on March 30 said that the devices were "merely electrical capacitors, used for many industrial, scientific and technical purposes".
Note that the device described will pass all changes in pressure "through" equally well, regardless of rate of change, just as an electrical capacitor will.
Castor wax is used in polishes, cosmetics, electrical capacitors, carbon paper, lubrication, and coatings and greases where resistance to moisture, oils and petrochemical products is required.
G.E. used vast quantities at its Hudson Falls and Fort Edward factories on the Hudson to build electrical capacitors.
In contrast to ceramic, film and electrolytic capacitors, supercapacitors, also known as electrical double-layer capacitors (EDLC) or ultracapacitors do not have a conventional dielectric.
The charged bank of electrical capacitors (also called a Marx bank or Marx generator) is switched onto the anode.
Maybe the Ark, with the m-state powders stored inside, acted like an electrical capacitor.
He observed that the analogy was incomplete, since it was missing a mechanical device playing the same role as an electrical capacitor.
For example, tantalum from Congo is used to make electrical capacitors that go into phones, computers and gaming devices.