Stanford White was a young architect who saw the importance that electric illumination would have in designing interiors and buildings.
In an era of primitive electric illumination, natural light was a critical issue in office leasing.
Watches that incorporate batteries often have electric illumination of their displays.
The theater was the first building in Odessa to employ the Edison Company with electric illumination.
The lower passage was flooded with electric illumination, a contrast to the candlelight that the frigate had known in its prime, two centuries before.
Whittle points out that "when Edison invented electric illumination, he didn't tinker with candles to make them burn better.
The electric illumination, the engulfments of dark wash and sounding black fell down, shutting in, forever.
For example, horse-drawn carriages give way to early electric illumination in "Broadway at Night."
The building, with perfect technical equipment (electric illumination, a steel-constructed stage), served without any extensive modifications for almost one hundred years.
Indoor electric illumination is often referred to as "artificial light."