By referendum, the electorate rejected an abortion ban approved by the state legislature.
However, in the referendum on the constitution, the electorate rejected the text.
Why did the electorate reject its iconic war leader at the moment of his greatest triumph?
That madness was reversed in 2001 after an appalled electorate had rejected several of the conservative board members responsible for the travesty.
The electorate rejected radical reform but it is in favor of modest reform.
The electorate of Colorado voted on and rejected a similar statewide initiative in November 2006.
If passed, the measure would have required police to reside in the community they work in; the electorate rejected the measure 54% to 46%.
The electorate rejected this and subsequently elected a new board of commissioners.
In 1980, Méndez's government held a constitutional referendum, the free nature of which was underlined by the fact that the electorate rejected the government's proposals.
However, a skeptical electorate rejected the proposal by a 2-to-1 margin.