Later the same year, he was elected to the Northern Ireland Assembly, again polling double the electoral quota.
An electoral quota is an election threshold.
He was the only UUP candidate to stand in E and gained 7,875 votes, which equated to 2.8 times the electoral quota.
On the enumeration date of 17 February 2000, the electoral quota for England was 69,934 voters per constituency.
On that occasion she polled in excess of three electoral quotas and her surplus votes enabled the election of two running mates.
The electorate of any constituency should not differ from the "electoral quota" by more than 25%.
The European parliament has a wide range of electorate per member and the electoral quota would not be extraordinary were Cornwall to get its own seat.
Hence, the electoral quota (the national electorate divided by the number of seats) is greater in England than in Scotland or Wales.
In 1979, the electoral quota for English constituencies was a little under 70,000.
I have confidence in the positive effects of using electoral quotas to represent women.