The judiciary and electoral powers are independent of the executive and the legislature.
High voter registration rates here have given considerable electoral power to women and young people.
"The shift in electoral power is moving out of the city," Mr. Adler said.
One significant reason for the proposed law was to prevent small parties from taking on an importance out of proportion to their electoral power.
The result was a further dilution of the electoral power of the non-white population.
They don't have political, electoral or jurisdictional power whatsoever, so citizens living in a metropolitan region do not elect representatives for them.
"You will increase the electoral power of minorities," he said.
The legislation was opposed for various reasons, not least because it would have transferred electoral power to urban areas and thoroughly disrupted everyone's re-election plans.
It signaled the new electoral power of the suburbs and the Sun Belt.
The bolstered electoral power might strengthen the argument that political action is preferable to violence.