French President Nicolas Sarkozy's party allies demanded a public apology from his main electoral opponent after he reportedly branded him a "nasty piece of work".
O'Neill stated that he turned down several requests over the years, including some from John Kerry's electoral opponents, to resume his attacks upon Kerry.
Catholics were a natural ally, for not only did they want to practice religiously inspired politics, but they also were no electoral opponent, because they appealed to different religious groups.
While Sheriff, he fought against George Robert FitzGerald; another, during the election of 1790, against his electoral opponent, John Bingham.
Their critics and most of their electoral opponents disparage those ideas as "neo-liberalism."
(His electoral opponents had criticized him for seeming not to care about the layoffs.)
His sister-in-law, Alice Renault, was married to Boudreau's sometime electoral opponent Omer St. Germain.
A Marxist-Leninist dictatorship was established in 1972 by Mr. Soglo's principal electoral opponent, the retired general Matthieu Kerekou.
Like Mr. Perez Balladares, most of his electoral opponents are the standard-bearers of political groupings that conjure up images of the past.
Bono said that he was trying to persuade Angela Merkel, Schröder's electoral opponent, to give the chancellor political space by agreeing not to raise the issue - a stupefying proposition.