A1 Arson attacks on Haitian officials mounted, causing several electoral officers to go into hiding.
Prior to his election into politics, Snelling was an electoral officer.
It will be assisted by a 500-member United Nations police force and more than 1,000 civilian electoral officers who will monitor the voting.
It would provide for extra authority and resources for electoral returning officers.
When it comes to access to polling stations this will require accessibility audits to be undertaken by electoral returning officers.
"We will not allow any suspect thumb marks," roared the young chief electoral officer, a sweat breaking out on his neck.
The electoral officer climbed onto the stage at the end of the hall.
Scott was elected to parliament at the 2001 state election, after working as an electoral officer for 16 years.
There were missing signatures of electoral officers on 426 of 1,143 forms that allow election-day changes to the voter list.
They settled mining disputes, collected government revenues, oversaw land claims, served as electoral officers and dealt with the natives.