President Reagan's 51 percent of the popular vote in 1980 translated into an electoral landslide.
He sees no vast ideological meaning in the Republicans' recent electoral landslide.
In 1984, he won the largest electoral landslide in history.
How has the Democratic leadership responded to the President Bush's campaign pledge, which helped lead him to an electoral landslide?
Brown then led the Liberal party to a landslide electoral win at the 1993 South Australian election, becoming premier.
47 Reagan almost beat a sitting president that year, and would go on to win the next two presidential elections in electoral landslides.
If all or most of these swing to Mr. Bush, he will get an electoral landslide.
He lost the seat at the next election in 1906, when the Liberal Party came to power in an electoral landslide.
(Two months later, Johnson won the election in an electoral landslide.)
With Florida, Mr. Gore could win in an electoral landslide.