On each occasion this was the leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, such was the UUP's electoral dominance using both a simple plurality and for the first two elections, a proportional electoral system.
The group in Baghdad designated to assemble the constitutional conference faces political difficulties, particularly the likely electoral dominance of the Shiites, some of whose leaders favor a constitution tightly tied to Islamic law.
In the early 1870s, Tennessee's Democrat-controlled legislature gerrymandered the 2nd Congressional District in hopes of breaking Republicans' electoral dominance in the district.
The 1997 election also saw the return of the Progressive Conservative Party to official party status following their electoral dominance of the conservative vote in eastern Canada.
A scandalised establishment, believing an anti-socialist alliance was necessary to counter Labor's growing electoral dominance, pressured Deakin and Anti-Socialist Party leader Joseph Cook, to begin merger talks.
As the head of the RNC, Mehlman played a key role, along with Karl Rove, in executing the Republican Party's long-term, yet ultimately unsuccessful, plan for electoral dominance.
In Westchester and Nassau, this Republican electoral dominance was aided by party machines with roots in the governing charters both counties received in the 1930's.
Moreover, the PUP achieved its greatest electoral dominance in 1961 elections, sweeping all eighteen seats from the hapless National Independence Party.
Despite representing a heavily Democratic district and President Bill Clinton's electoral dominance therein, Coburn was easily reelected in 1996, as well as in 1998.
According to Ferriter, in both cases the electorate saw "a tired old movement, arrogant from long-time electoral dominance."