The possibility usually exists within representation that the "recalled" candidate can win the subsequent electoral challenge.
He draws particular attention to the struggles District Attorneys face in maintaining ethical prosecution practices with electoral challenges of today.
American officials said the harassment is tied to American government efforts to assist the opposition parties in mounting a credible electoral challenge.
This opposition typically manifested itself in rigorous budget debate rather than in serious electoral challenges against Young.
Because of an electoral challenge, he was never seated.
As a result, for the first time since the 1930s, the PRI began to face serious electoral challenges.
The revenue transfer from the resrt of the country is a subtle subsidy to his most important electoral challenges.
The ruling party is not taking the electoral challenge lightly any more.
Initial electoral challenges were repulsed by intimidation and fraud, or bought off with patronage.
He faces a strong electoral challenge to his 15-year presidency.