Strategists for some of the Democratic campaigns said they had factored it into their electoral calculations, and they expressed hope that the memory of the dramatic event portrayed on television on Sunday would fade by next November.
The Americans knew they were being led a dance, but the urge to rescue hostages - premised on high emotion and some amount of electoral calculation - drove the policy forward.
Cynical electoral calculations about walking tall in the world could influence such a decision.
But this is not simply a matter of electoral calculation: certainty and stability are genuinely prized economic possessions which HM Opposition should uphold as much as the government.
We had all done our own electoral calculations.
As per the electoral calculation following were the number of votes for respective political parties.
This alone makes him a refreshing alternative to the usual electoral calculations.
The short answer is short-term electoral calculations and doctrinaire economics.
His career marks an important stage in the development of party management in the post-1832 era, when legal registration of voters constituted a new factor in electoral calculations.
Lawmakers who have stymied comprehensive immigration reform with stalemated name-calling and cold electoral calculation should listen up.