They both approached the task with no elective experience.
Only 11 of the current 26 black members of Congress entered office with elective experience, said a spokesman for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.
The new nominee lacks elective political experience and will have to rely on the PRI machine to mobilize sufficient popular support for continued economic reform.
There are sixty-three full-time staff working at the school to maintain high academic standards and support a variety of elective experiences.
He had been a Democratic campaign donor and a member of the Port Authority board with no elective experience, but he quickly demonstrated that he knew how to run for office.
Though his elective experience was as a Democrat, in his later years Weaver was also donated to some GOP candidates and party organizations.
Mr. Kennedy, who was unchallenged in his own party, is expected to run against Mitt Romney, a Republican millionaire businessman with no elective political experience.
Besides, the star isn't the first one with connections to a political dynasty but no elective experience to try to be governor of a big state.
Mr. Casey, a Scranton native in only his fifth year of elective experience, is trying to hold down the pro-Rendell vote in Philadelphia.
Dwight D. Eisenhower was the last President elected without previous elective experience.