The elections were scheduled for three rounds, each followed by a runoff.
One foreign election expert wishes, in fact, that the parliamentary election scheduled for tomorrow could be a trial run.
The elections originally scheduled for Feb. 16 [see pp. 38518; 38664]were postponed in response to opposition calls for polling to take place in May.
Removing him from Bosnian soil is critical if the elections scheduled for Sept.
But now, three months before elections scheduled for May 29, they are speaking out with greater assurance.
Only weeks before elections scheduled for March 4, Parliament passed a bill bringing Estonian law into line with the Geneva Conventions.
Last month, another Federal official disqualified Mr. Carey from running in that new election, now scheduled for March and April.
Like its neighbors, it has been willing "to take its chances on political settlements"; hence, the elections, which include all the opposition parties, scheduled for May 7.
The elections are scheduled for mid-June, a month from now.
In exchange, they asked that elections scheduled for March 19 be postponed six months and for certain guarantees against electoral fraud.