The closed-end management investment firm said the vote would not be official until election inspectors give a final report, which is expected by Wednesday.
In addition, the salaries for election inspectors and information clerks have been increased to $85 a day.
Observers say that fewer than half of the 88,000 voting tables will be monitored by independent election inspectors.
You may have 250 election inspectors in a Council district.
Under state law, the appointment of election inspectors to run the polls is controlled by the Democratic and Republican county leaders.
She'd pulled every wire she could reach to get to be a Confederate election inspector.
The company said that independent election inspectors tabulated the vote and certified the final results.
She allowed the city to spend "no more than $1,000" on the training tonight of election inspectors for the primary in September.
"Our poll watchers and election inspectors will challenge people to show some kind of identification as to who they are," he said.
The election was held on August 26, 2010, with the town supervisors serving as election inspectors.