The 2008 election confirmed Pennsylvania's status as a Democratic-leaning state.
"The election confirmed to a lot of people that is the case."
However disparate these groups, both the last election and more recent polls confirm that they have coalesced into two broad camps.
A court order restored the constitution early in 2001, and a subsequent election confirmed Qarase as prime minister.
The election also confirmed that some retiring members will have a link to the Council through their children.
The elections that were held on June 15, 1977, confirmed the existence of four important political forces at the national level.
And if, as seems likely, the election confirms support for reform, the costs of the no-confidence vote will be worth bearing.
But in effect, the election confirmed the status quo.
However, Walter in the end paid more than 10,000 to the pope in various fees to get his election confirmed.
Polk's election confirmed the American public's desire for westward expansion.