Vice presidents are either elected jointly with the president as his or her running mate, elected separately, or appointed independently after the president's election.
Article V of the Wisconsin Constitution describes executive office in the state, providing for a governor and lieutenant governor who are elected jointly to four-year terms.
The vice-president is elected jointly with the president as his or her running mate.
He stated that he had been elected jointly by centre-right and left-wing citizens.
But if the subcontractor is connected to your company or organisation, or you have jointly elected for connected parties treatment, special rules apply.
The Student Council is elected jointly by the student community from senior school and the teachers.
The Lieutenant Governor of New Mexico is elected jointly as the running mate of the gubernatorial candidate in the general election.
In Connecticut, candidates for governor and lieutenant governor are elected jointly on the same ballot line in the general election.
In November 1995 they were jointly elected to the Television Academy Hall of Fame.
He was one of four councilors elected jointly from Salt Lake, Tooelle and Summit Counties.