He was later elected as Vice President on 12 September 1980 after the resignation of Francisco Villagrán.
Elected in 1994, after the resignation of Michel Rocard.
He was elected in 2012 after the resignation of Sylvie Faucheux.
He was elected in 2008 after the resignation of Gérard Rozenknop, his predecessor.
He has been in the role since 30 March 2006, having been elected unopposed after the resignation of Rene Hidding.
John Armstrong had been elected for this seat (term 1803-1809) in February 1804, after the resignation of Theodorus Bailey.
He was elected leader in September 2004, while serving as interim leader after the resignation of Raj Pannu.
She was elected in the 2013 by-election after the resignation of former Chief Minister Paul Henderson.
In 1285 he was elected prior after the resignation of Thomas de Ringmere, and he remained in charge for the next forty-seven years.
He was first elected to the legislative assembly in 1888 after the resignation of Joseph Widdifield.