Baird wanted the jury to see Bo as the elderly victim of an unprovoked attack.
Many elderly victims were doomed by personal choice.
The three biggest banks set up a $70 million fund to begin to compensate some of the elderly victims and their heirs.
Jeanette entered a program at the center that combined legal aid and social work assistance for 43 elderly victims of abuse.
Even when charges are brought, some frail and elderly victims die before a trial can be held, the report said.
Hip fractures alone lead to complications that kill one in four elderly victims.
Howard has not been caught, and she fears he may be seeking out more elderly victims.
In the city as a whole, 90,372 elderly victims were reported, about 7 percent of the total elderly population.
More systems of help advice and support for elderly victims and their carers need to be provided.
But once found, the elderly victims have mostly been left to find their own solutions.