In one case an elderly female tourist was hit by flying glass and had to have sixteen stitches in her face.
Ahead I see an elderly tourist take a movie of us, then smile.
The short trail, like other trails on the peninsula, was clearly marked and accessible to all but the most elderly tourists.
An elderly tourist responded by steadying her camera and snapping his picture.
Almost all the passengers appeared to be South African, including some elderly tourists.
An elderly tourist who had been walking by came to a dead stop near the bench and stared at the running women.
As a result, elderly tourists from across the globe seeking to terminate their own lives were reported to be flying out to Mexico.
The 20 victims were all elderly tourists; 19 lived in Michigan and one in Ohio.
Outside, two elderly tourists, guidebooks in hand, paused to admire the Norman tower, then walked into the church.
A small group of elderly tourists got off the bus, and formed a queue at the customs office.