St. Paul's has many elderly parishioners, a number of whom walk to Mass from a public housing complex across the street.
He is encouraging elderly parishioners to use the cyberspace church "to communicate their faith creatively."
But regardless, the case makes it clear that relationships between priests and elderly wealthy parishioners are a potential minefield.
Sometimes that service means doing a little plumbing for an elderly parishioner.
Remembering him, one elderly parishioner commented, "back then we didn't talk about it, but everybody knew and loved him just the same."
The pastor explained, according to the report, that he had performed the cat baptisms at the request of elderly parishioners.
A couple of elderly parishioners turned to stare at them.
His victims included a retired Lutheran pastor and several elderly parishioners.
Accidents affected the production: the weekend before filming began at the church, an elderly parishioner fell, broke her hip, and died.
That night I sat anxiously with two of my elderly parishioners.