Jeri continued to care for her elderly mother-in-law, even after she remarried.
She meets with students and parents after school, sits on the board of a battered women's shelter, helps care for her elderly mother-in-law.
Julie grinned, recalling her friend's difficult relationship with her elderly mother-in-law.
Mrs. Emerson said she was moved to support reimportation by caring for her elderly mother-in-law, who spends as much as $1,200 a month on prescription medicines.
One night, Phyllis' elderly mother-in-law (Beulah Bondi) thinks a burglar is breaking into the house, so she calls the police.
With his children, cousins, and elderly mother-in-law, there were 15 people camped together on two square yards of earth.
My mother-in-law, elderly and ill, is devoted to her healthy 5-year-old dog.
But that's how her elderly mother-in-law, Carrie (Geraldine Page), spends her days.
My elderly mother-in-law lived for four years on dialysis after her kidneys failed from diabetes.
Anyone who looks into the inner room of a typical house will quickly see that the elderly mother-in-law, younger daughter-in-law relationship is the most difficult.