A tall, elderly fellow walked up to Toni.
Later an elderly fellow tells that there are many ships leaving.
Tuvud, an elderly fellow who had accompanied us from the last encampment, saw this as his moment to broach the pension problem.
For the last, Kazan ordered a substitution, an elderly fellow named Gorian.
He was a rather elderly fellow and evidently not a combat officer ; but he grew combative enough with the Russians.
One of the three Americans was an elderly fellow whose hair was beginning to show white.
Even his hopes for the Xhosa soared when a black man finally came to Golan, an elderly fellow from a kraal to the east.
Sometimes, elderly fellows with their trousers up around their solar plexus still wander in by accident, looking for a tie.
An elderly fellow who looks to me as if he might possibly have money.
Just look at this elderly fellow.