Nearly every other Western nation has found a way to provide for its elderly citizens without making them paupers.
The inquiry also noted that many elderly Japanese citizens were dying in solitude.
Most elderly Nepali citizens, roughly 85 percent, live in rural areas.
Approximately 2,367 of the residents are elderly or senior citizens, while 877 children live in Higashikushira.
She said her phone has been ringing off the hook with calls from elderly citizens.
A mere 47,000 units of housing for low income, elderly and rural citizens were built last year.
After all, this is not just an issue that affects our elderly citizens who have already moved abroad.
Scores of children and elderly citizens joined special swat teams.
The Parish was founded by the baptism of 25 elderly citizens.
Even worse, the number of elderly citizens who will fall into these gaps is likely to increase sharply.