I saw a doctor, an elderly Englishman, who was very kind and gentle.
'Bromley,' corrected the flabby-faced elderly Englishman.
Her butler, Jessop, came in, a spare elderly Englishman who had also found in Hollywood the promised land.
She invites the others - an elderly Englishman, a German photojournalist and a young American girl whose parents are killed in the explosion - to recuperate at her house.
My grandfather was once confronted by an elderly Englishman in a London park who asked, "Why are you here?"
Francis Cape, an elderly Englishman who befriends Murray, has been working for years on a history of Napoleon's time on Elba.
Peter O'Toole stars as an elderly Englishman who cares for several children during World War II.
An elderly Englishman offered polite advice: I should be able to rest comfortably on my stick for support and fit my hand around its handle without cramping my fingers.
Two crowded hours later, Shef sat on a stool in the thane's longhouse of Riccall, staring at a grizzled elderly Englishman.
It Reads Well on the Lawn Nobody writes better letters than elderly bookish Englishmen.