The elders held their assemblies in the sacred places.
It's the people that matter; the elders to hold the wisdom and the children to hear it.
Today, these elders hold little actual power, and most such positions are merely honorary.
A good workman, too, they said, when he chose, or when his elders could hold him to it.
The elders are holding a jirga, an all-male town meeting called in times of crisis.
The elders of the community hold a position of respect and also have a major influence on island life.
The three elders held their positions.
Several days later, several thousand tribal elders held a jirga, or council, and agreed to raise a force of their own to find the wanted men.
At the clubs where jazz's middle-aged elders hold forth, there's no obsolescence in the music, and nostalgia is beside the point.
They learned quickly that even their elders held him in awe, and his aloof manner didn't encourage familiarity.