Because of its simplicity, the principal coordinate system is often useful when considering the state of the elastic medium at a particular point.
The speed of sound is the distance travelled during a unit of time by a sound wave propagating through an elastic medium.
The protecting aura of force was like a tangible, elastic medium surrounding them, pervading even their bodies to prevent internal injuries.
For an elastic medium the mechanical energy term of the internal energy must be replaced by the more general expression involving the stress and strain .
The elastic wave equation in three dimensions describes the propagation of waves in an isotropic homogeneous elastic medium.
With this notation, one can write the elasticity matrix for any linearly elastic medium as:
Concentric layers of this material would be stacked, each layer separated by an elastic medium.
Next remove and embed the system in an elastic medium that can be warped, twisted, pulled or stretched as desired.
As the elastic medium is distorted in one, or combination, of the described possibilities, the same pulling and stretching process is recorded by the Cartesian mesh.
Sounds are traveling vibrations in the form of pressure waves in an elastic medium.