You have the queasy sense that the whole thing is just an elaborate stunt, and in this case an exploitative one.
Charles angrily realises he need never have set up his elaborate stunt.
One of the first pilots to do elaborate stunts in a Curtiss.
In addition, it contained several elaborate stunts and effect sequences, many of which were created in unique manners.
The episode contained several elaborate stunts and effect sequences.
The show's elaborate aerial stunts led to several cast members being seriously injured during rehearsals.
Keaton spent more time shooting this film than most of his others, due to the elaborate stunts and effects.
He was one of the first pilots to do elaborate stunts in a Curtiss.
Another horse, Boss, was used for long-range shots, chase scenes, and elaborate stunts, such as leaps through windows.
"The Cameron veto was an elaborate stunt to shut these idiots up and to gain some temporary popularity."